Isla San Jorge

 Today was INCREDIBLE! It started off with an incredible boat trip about 20 miles off the coast of where we are in Puerto Penasco. On our way out to the island, we saw some splashing and found 3 manta rays swimming around our boat! They were near the surface and the tip of their wings were just coming out of the water and they truly looked as if they were flying! 

Shortly after we got a call on the radio that another boat had spotted whales! Not just any whales but two Humpbacks. We decided as a group that it was definitely worth exploring. We were not disappointed! We saw two beautiful Humpback whales swimming together and doing a lot of fin and tail slapping. We finally made it to the island, saw a huge splashing in the distance, and raced to see what it was. We saw two Humpbacks breaching over and over again. We believe these to be the two we saw just a bit earlier and we followed them for another good 10 minutes watching their breathtaking show!

(Insert great photo of the Humpbacks breaching - my phone won't turn on currently)

We finally made it back to the island and got ready to get in the water. Half our class decided to scuba dive while the others snorkeled. While the water viability wasn't great, the sea lions swam right up to us allowing great views of their behaviors and interactions with each other. It was also really neat to see the size difference between the male and females up close. Today was truly a once in a lifetime experience!

Morgan Furno


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