Exploring the Morua Estuary- Crabs, Oysters, and Changing Tides

On Thursday we went kayaking with our class in the Morua Estuary, and it was an amazing experience! As we paddled through the channels, we discovered lots of crabs scurrying around and native plants thriving in the water including the Pickle Weed which was edible and we were able to taste. YUM! The coolest part was seeing the oyster farms and learning how local women take turns selling the oysters they catch to support their families. But we also had a bit of a scare when the tides suddenly changed, and we had to paddle fast to avoid getting stuck. It was a lesson in the power of nature and the importance of respecting its forces. Our adventure in the Morua Estuary was both exciting and eye-opening, leaving us with unforgettable memories and a greater appreciation for the wonders of nature.

Morgan Furno


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